Going GREEN - Keep this in mind the next time you decide on changing plants in your apartment balcony......
Its a beautiful sight seeing our buildings of the future come alive with wonderful green house type Eco-friendly buildings.
Cemento Group believe in a sustainable future with new technological advances in building materials to wonderfully appointed architectural designed buildings.
However there is an issue that arises and it's not an instant one.
Builders and developers would agree that detecting water penetration points is important to isolate immediately before occupants take possession as this can be a timely exhausting issue at a later date.
The above picture shows planter boxes, concrete planter boxes. These planter boxes are structured as per the below photo;
The photo shows the planter box underlay. The membrane underneath the dirt and the plants that make our apartment buildings look appealing and blend in with nature.
What Cemento Group have found when discovering water penetration issues raised by occupants;
The underlay membrane is an installation requirement. The membrane is there for a reason and the reason is (WATER&RAIN)
When it rains the filtration system takes out the unnecessary clunky dirty bits and filters the water so it is in liquid form and able to drain out as per the drain point detailed above.
Cemento Group have found on numerous occasions whereby the drainage points have been blocked as the occupants have decided to "Change Plants" and take out all the filtration system and insert dirt and dirt only.
Well you only have to guess what happens when the drain above is blocked by dirt.
Cemento Group recommend that any Tenants or Owners considering changing plants, please ensure that the membrane is re-inserted as per its original condition. This is a strata maintenance issue as any occupant is required under the strata schemes act to advise them prior any modifications as such.
It will not damage anything instantly, though over time with the back fill of water ongoing day after day, it will only be a matter of time before damage is being made. Whether that's from back fill where water is penetrating cavity walls directly beneath them to water overflowing causing a white calcite type issue to appear.
These types of defects are essentially difficult to see or encounter, though Cemento Group are mindful of such issues occurring and no doubt have been in situations before where damage has been done to numerous apartments and the point of blame has been the developer. Well, no, this is a mandatory compliance process as per the strata schemes act.
Please be mindful if you are on higher floors of an apartment building to either advise your strata manager or employ a professional to do so.
#101 Defect Blunders - Water Penetration caused by removal of planter box membrane.
Information courtesy of
Cemento Group - Defects Division
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